Frequently Asked Questions

How much are your programs?

We go through an evaluation protocol to assess your current challenges and collaboratively create goals based off your lifestyle. Every client and dog are different so we cannot give you a price over the phone. Our programs range from $1,495 to $4,995

How long will do the programs last?

In general all our clients learn all they need to understand to continue training within 3-4 weeks. We will see you minimum twice a week so that you feel that you have support and we are there to help you with your challenges. Even when we are not around we are available to chat during our office hours of 10:00am to 6:00am. We off board and train programs that are either 3 weeks or 4 weeks.

Are security deposits on programs refundable?

Once we decide on the best training program for your pack, we confirm your spot on our calendar with a security deposit, which covers 10% of the program cost. When we secure your start date, we also make that time unavailable to other interested clients. Due to our high demand and limited availability, our time is booked up months in advance. Our security deposits secure the time we have dedicated to you, and are non-refundable. We understand life happens, and we can be flexible with our selected program dates to reschedule a better time for your pack.

Do you use e-collars?

Yes, e-collars are some of the tools we can use in our training programs. We specifically work with the Mini Educator, and Dogtra. The e-collar is not used to shock your dog, and modern dog training facilitates a positive experience for the whole pack. We teach our clients low level conditioning and how to transition into off-leash control, where the e-collar is an “invisible leash.”

How much time per day do I have to dedicate to training?

At a minimum, we instruct our clients to dedicate 2 twenty minute training sessions that are structured so the bond is constantly growing and evolving. In the home, we instruct our clients to focus on reinforcing the spot/place position to build self-restraint, impulse control, and respect for boundaries.

Where are the sessions located?

EVERYWHERE! We train mostly in the metro Atlanta region, but we like to provide realistic results so we have to train where people and other dogs are around.