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Kaizen Canine Academy practices modern, motivation-based methods that utilise a wide range of tools and techniques, depending on goals, issues, age of dog and many other factors.

Dog trainers sitting smiling with two dogs.

How our dog training works

Book assessment

Call our team or us our user-friendly booking system to make it easy to schedule a transformation session for your dog at a convenient time. If you use our self-booking option, one of our communication specialists will confirm your appointment and give you some homework to prepare for our time together.

Attend Meet & Training Session

The consultation is essential for us to learn about your dog’s background, history, and your relationship with them. You’ll meet our staff, tour the center, and discuss training methods that might be right for your dog. This session helps us create a customized training plan and see if we’re a good fit to work together long-term. We also provide the option to do this in-home depending on your location.

Custom Tailored Training Program

Based on the consultation, we’ll suggest the best training options for your dog. Whether you choose coaching or our live and train program, we’ll design a personalized training plan focused on your dog’s specific needs and our expert recommendations.

In-Person & Virtual Programs

Our programs are available in both virtual and in-person formats to fit your schedule. Each program includes simple and practical homework to help you stay consistent with your dog’s training. Remember, consistency is key—just like in fitness, “Use it or lose it!”


After completing your course, we’ll guide you on the next steps. You’re always welcome at Kaizen Canine, where you can join our continuation services, like socialization classes, advanced obedience, or our monthly club events. These options help you maintain your dog’s training and keep them engaged.

Taijon and Valeria walking dog smiling.
dog trainer smiling with dog
Dog trainers smiling with two smiling dogs
Dog trainer taijon training dog
Dog trainers with trainees smiling together